
spiritual library

All the truthful information from Source/God you need to raise your personal vibration, achieve success in life and obtain all your desires


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our new very important book

you matter

There are many people who feel they do not belong on Earth, that maybe they should just die or fade away into obscurity. You may be one that has felt this way or feels this way. You may think that no one loves or cares for you. You may also feel that you do not matter in the big scheme of things. You would be mistaken. In this book, Source God lays out how, through self-compassion, the realization of who you really are, and the removal of self-critical thoughts, language, actions, and behaviors, you will come to realize that you do matter and are important. After this personal epiphany, you will begin to understand that there are gifts that only you can give to others and the planet. This book will allow you to break free from anxieties, lies and untrue beliefs about self that you may have formed and integrated into your conscious and subconscious being. You can become happy, whole and a positive contributor to the consciousness of Earth.

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A wonderful inspirational book of messages channelled to the author from God. If you have ever asked yourself how our universe was created, or if angels really exist, or what happens after death, and other timeless questions, this book is for you!

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The Sapiential Discourses contains ancient wisdom known to man since the beginning of time and new wisdoms for the new millennia. This book is designed to assist all who read these truths in their remembrance process, the remembrance of our divinity. This book takes us higher as it dives deeper into our true nature as humans. Meditation and prayer are explained to us in a loving way. The true natures of twin flames and soul mates are revealed. New information on the paranormal, faith, God, and parenting is included, along with other important topics that are relevant to our existence and obtaining a clean, peaceful Earth. God is providing us with loving, nonintrusive wisdoms to assist us in bettering ourselves and our world.

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The Sapiential Discourses, Book II contains more ancient wisdoms given to us from Source, which began in The Sapiential Discourses: Universal Wisdom. It is Source’s ongoing conversation with humanity. As with the first book in this series, we are given information to assist us in remembering vital universal truths as we enter a new era in human history. The book begins with the spiritual revolution that is occurring on planet Earth now. It ends with the world of tomorrow and what the future brings for us all. In between we are given new information about signs and symbols, energy vortexes and portals, Indigos and starseeds, other planes of existence, and God and science. A chapter is devoted to the Wiccan way of life. This book is a gift from the highest vibration of all, and it will reinvigorate your very spirit with renewed hope. It guides you on the journey of understanding your creatorship and the true nature of your magnificent self. It will revolutionize your life.

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Providence continues to illuminate humanity in The Sapiential Discourses, Book III, a continuation of The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom book series. The information contained within is both fundamental and essential. This book is designed to help our species handle the changes that are being felt and witnessed on Earth now in its history. Source’s delivery is both direct and loving at the same time. Revealed to us in the first chapter are the new I AM declarations, a spiritual epiphany that will change your life. This book provides fascinating information on what happens after death, pinpoints some of the necessary healing practices and modalities that are essential for us as the planet shifts toward enlightenment. The soul’s purpose and its spiritual relevance is clarified. A full and detailed explanation of the number seven is given. Information on visitors to Earth, and ten newly revealed planes of existence are explained. Chapters are also set forth on states of consciousness, the oneness and the moment. This book is enlightening, majestic and empowering. It will assist anyone with spiritual metamorphosis and vibrational ascension.

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A must read for the Spiritual Warrior. The 4th Book in The Sapiential Discourses book series begins with the searing, disturbing tale of the Little Soul, a parable to illustrate the developed moral climate during the history of mankind. Source then provides answers for solving the problems that have been created with spiritual solutions. Spiritual Warfare is the main theme. We are at War. It is a Spiritual War and it affects everyone on Earth. The information contained within this book is vital. Source explains what the war is about and how it began. This book is designed to help you navigate through your life in today’s world, so that you may be free of lower vibrational influences. These influences can cause any one of us to do things to ourselves and others that we do not wish to do. This book is a fascinating look at what is happening on Earth now, spiritually, and what has happened in the past. Book IV lets us know why many of us do things that are harmful to ourselves and others. It is necessary for all those concerned for their spiritual self and planet Earth. As are all books in this series, it is enlightening, majestic, and powerful in its scope!

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This book sets forth information given to Elliott and Diane Jackson directly from Source. Information is provided for each day of the year. These messages are for contemplation, reflection, motivation, and meditation. Source has given practical insights on finances, love, children, self-worth, self-esteem, and many other topics to stimulate and motivate. This book will assist you in raising your personal vibration to new heights. You will be able to find the happiness and success you desire and deserve.

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The Keys to all Success, Happiness, and the law of attraction rests with the words – I AM. The Powerful, Transformational, Life-Changing, I AM Mantras are now yours in book form. The I AM Mantras were originally set forth in The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom, Book III. Source/God desires for these Mantras to be readily accessible for use. This book will revolutionize your very being and you can carry it with you anywhere. When the Mantras are incorporated into your life, you will be able to obtain and maintain your dreams and desires. This is a promise from Source/God, All There Is, Was, and Ever Shall Be.

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If you could ask God one question, what would it be? This book is God’s response to many of the questions people ask all the time. The questions have been been compiled and collected from various social media platforms, emails, and workshops. People from different countries, cultures, sexual orientations, religious denominations/backgrounds, and all walks of life have sent in questions for this book. Now, the question is, are you ready for the answers?

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Now it’s here, the exciting new book on the Soul’s Plan & Purpose! There is a moment in each of our lives in which we ask ourselves, “What is my purpose?” It is an innate desire for all to know why we alive. In this book, Source/God gives us pivotal new information regarding the soul’s purpose, purposes or plan. Everyone has a soul purpose. All lives have reason, purpose and meaning. This book will assist you in understanding the simplicity and complexities of your life. It will assist you in finding out where you may have deviated from or delayed your path. It will inspire you to take a good look at yourself, where you have been, and what you may need to do to fulfill your soul’s purpose. Included are original Life Maps of eight individuals, including Diane and Elliott. In viewing their maps, the reader will be able to compare their maps against the actual events and occurrences of their lives up until now. You will be able to see how closely they have followed their map or deviated from it, thus gaining insight into how personal choices and decisions can affect the course of one’s life.

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children books

Your child will love this simple book. It is the perfect way to introduce Source/God into your child’s world. I Know Where God Is will help in increasing your child’s vocabulary and understanding of their connection to the outside world. Start or end the day with it. Your young children will love and cherish I Know Where God Is! Through illustrations of the world through a child’s eyes, your little one will begin to understand that Source/God is everywhere, in everything and everyone.

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This fun, inspiring children’s book teaches children how beautiful they are just as they are. Your child will love this simple book. It is a perfect tool to build their self-esteem and self-worth. It will assist them in understanding that God/Source loves them. I AM Beautiful will also help them understand that all other children and everything on Earth is beautiful too. Your child will love to read it over and over!

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study books

This workbook was created to help jump-start or rejuvenate your Spiritual Journey. It will assist you in understanding the basic truths in the breakout, revolutionary, New Age book, From God to You: Absolute Truth. You will begin to understand more about Universal Truths. A byproduct of this workbook is a raising of one’s vibration and the octave toning of the physical being. Assignments and exercises are geared and designed to create another level of spiritual thinking. You will reflect on your life so far and where it is going. You will find out more about your relationship with self and others. This study workbook is the essential companion for From God to You: Absolute Truth.

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This companion workbook will immerse you in the universal truths set forth by Source in The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom. The completion of this guide/workbook will increase and elevate your spiritual knowledge, giving you more insight into the wisdoms of Source. Deeper into the rabbit hole of truth you will go. This workbook will assist you in digging down into the very recesses of your spiritual self.

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This is the companion workbook for The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdom, Book II. The workbook is designed to assist readers and seekers of spiritual enlightenment with a deeper understanding of the information in Book II, and guide them toward a daily application of the truths set forth by Source.

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